Fetch azure SQL data into SharePoint Online

This tutorial demonstrate, How to fetch azure SQL data into SharePoint Online using Business Connectivity Services and Secure Store Services.

SharePoint Secure Store Service

Quoting MSDN, the definition of SharePoint Secure Store Service is:

"Secure Store Service is a shared service that provides storage and mapping of credentials such as account names and passwords. It enables you to securely store data that provides credentials required for connecting to external systems and associating those credentials to a specific identity or group of identities. It is very common for solutions to try to authenticate to an external system in which the current user is known differently or has a different account for authentication. In such cases, Secure Store Service can be used to store and map user credentials required by the external system. You can configure Secure Store Service so that multiple users can access an external system by using a single set of credentials on that external system."

Business Connectivity Services

Business Connectivity Services (BCS) connections to data sources, such as SQL Azure databases or Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) web services, that are outside the SharePoint site.

Explore LUIS

The interaction between users and bots is mostly free-form, so bots need to understand language naturally and contextually. The Cognitive Service Language APIs provide powerful language models to determine what users want, to identify concepts and entities in a given sentence, and ultimately to allow your bots to respond with the appropriate action. 

Build Intelligent Microsoft Azure Bot Using LUIS and QnAMaker

The interaction between users and bots is mostly free-form, so bots need to understand language naturally and contextually

QnAMaker  This service enables developers to build, train and publish a simple question and answer bot based on FAQ URLs, structured documents . 

LUIS Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS) enables developers to build smart applications that can understand human language and react accordingly to user requests. 

My Previous article can be find here

I have explained about Bot framework environment setup & QnA configuration in the below articles -
1. FAQ based Bot Application Using QnA Maker - Part One
2. Setup Bot Framework Development Environment Using .Net (C#) - Part Two
3. How to add or remove synonyms or alternative keywords to QnAMaker 
4. Add Rich Card (Image or Video) to Chat Bot Response
5. Explore Luis