SPFX | NPM Install Error | npm ERR! 404 Not Found: event-stream@3.3.6

npm ERR! 404 Not Found: event-stream@3.3.6

I created a SPFX solution almost a month back that time it was working fine but today a month later start getting below error which was quite strange. After getting lots of research got to know there was some malicious issue observed by NPM during securty check.
NPM security has decided to remove the "Flatmap-stream" and "event-stream@3.3.6" package.

On November 26, 2018, the npm package manager released security advisory 737 regarding the flatmap-stream package. It was determined that this package was malicious, and contained harmful code. In addition, the popular event-stream package was modified to make use of the harmful flatmap-stream package.

NPM Error:-

Resolution:- To fix it you need to update your event-stream package.
1. Delete the node_modules folder.
2. Delete the package-lock.json file.
3. Run npm install.

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