Showing posts with label Azure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azure. Show all posts

Join me at Azure Virtual Conference, happening live on 8th August 2020

Data Transformation using Azure Data Factory

Data Factory is a Cloud based data integration service used to compose data storage, data movement and processing services into automated data pipelines

I will be speaking about "Data Transformation using Azure Data Factory".

Date and Time Saturday, 8th August, 2020 ,  ⏱️09:40PM IST

Online webinar recording | Simplify user application authentication using Microsoft Identity Platform

Microsoft identity platform is an evolution of the Azure Active Directory developer platform. It allows developers to build applications that sign in all Microsoft identities. It support to below kind of activity:

Work and school accounts
Personal accounts (such as or
Social identity (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Google) via MSAL and Azure AD B2C

Azure AD v1.0 platform used to authenticate work and school accounts by requesting tokens from the Azure AD v1.0 endpoint.

Microsoft identity platform (v2.0) authenticate any Microsoft identity into your application. It is fully supported open-source Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) is recommended for use against the identity platform endpoints. MSAL support single sign-on (SSO) experiences for your users.

Let's explore the difference between Microsoft Authentication Library (v2.0) and Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (V1.0).

1 Known as Microsoft Authentication Library using endpoint V2.0 Known as Azure AD Authentication Library using endpoint V1.0
2 MSAL used to authenticate a broader set of Microsoft Identities
Azure AD identities
Microsoft account, social and local account through Azure B2C)
Azure AD V1.0 used  to authenticate
Azure identities (work and school)
3 Method to renew tokens silently without prompting users is named acquireTokenSilent (more descriptive) Method to renew tokens silently without prompting users is named acquireToken
4 MSAL.js API is designed around user agent client application such as Web Browser ADAL.js uses AuthenticationContext as the representation of an instance of your application's connection 
5 Method to acquire token requests can take different authority values than what is set in the UserAgentApplication  Methods to acquire tokens are associated with a single authority set in the AuthenticationContext
6 Authority Value: V2.0 use authority, will allow users to sign in with any Azure AD organization account or a Microsoft personal account (MSA).
To restrict the sign in to only Azure AD accounts use
Authority Value :  v1.0, use authority will allow users to sign in with any Azure AD account (for any organization)

Global Azure Boot Camp 2018

I will be taking on Global Azure Boot Camp at Bangalore  this year 2018

The details about the event as well as the agenda can be found in this link :

IIS Binding and Registry Entry in IAAS Server

Configure DNS setting  Configure Internet facing SSL SharePoint Site using IAAS

IIS Binding and Registry Entry in IAAS Server

Step1:- Open IIS right click on the web application and “Edit Binding”

Step 2:- On the “Site Binding” screen, click on Edit

Step 3:- Select the certificate created in previous step and save the changes:

Step 4:- Registry Entry in the Server

Create & Set DisableLoopBackCheck property =1

Configure the SharePoint 2013 Site with Host Header & SSL Cert

Configure the SharePoint 2013 Site with Host Header & SSL Cert

Step 1:-

How to create the Cert

Step 2:-

How to create Cert mapping url in azure portal

Step 3:-
Create the SharePoint Web Application using Central Administration or Powershell.
Remember you should use the application url which should have domain. like I create in


Hostheader name would be and port number  

Powershell Script:-

Claim based Web Application with Host Header:-

$ap = New-SPAuthenticationProvider
New-SPWebApplication -name "Development Application"-HostHeader " " –Url “” –Port 443 -ApplicationPool "Dev-ApplicationPool" -DatabaseName "WSS_Content_ Dev" -DatabaseServer "Domain\UserName" -ApplicationPoolAccount (Get-SPManagedAccount " Domain\UserName ") -AuthenticationProvider $ap

Configure SSL Certificate in IAAS server

Configure SSL Certificate  in IAAS Server

As I am doing the set up for development environment, So I am going to use self signed  Cert.

Step 1:-   Open PowerShell Window as admin run below command:

$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName <<>> -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My"

$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My

Step 2:-  Run below command to export the certificate:

     Export-Certificate -Type CERT -Cert $cert -FilePath <<filePath>>.cer

Export-Certificate -Type CERT -Cert $cert -FilePath  .\

here certificate created at above mentioned file path location.

Step 3: Add certificate to Trusted Root Certification Authorities

Browse the Run window and type MMC

Step 4: . Add/Remove snap in:

Step 5: -Select Certificated à Add à Computer account à Local Computer

Step 6:- Select Local Computer

Step 6:- Expand Certificates a Trusted Root Certificate Authorities a Certificates a All Tasks a Import

Step 7:- Browse the created certificate

You are done here.

Happy Codding

Configure Internet facing SSL SharePoint Site using IAAS

Configure Internet facing SSL SharePoint Site using IAAS 

Step 1: Browse the Azure Portal and Select Virtual Machine from Left Hand Side and click the virtual machine , which server site user want to browse

Step 2:- Click on the public IP address 

Step 3:- Click Configuration & enter the DNS label, domain will be set like, Click on save. 

Here you are ready with internet facing URL using IAAS platform.

Step4:- Allow the port ->  Do the configuration in Network Security Group.

Go to the more services and type network in search box

Step 5:- Select the Server and click inbound security rules

Step 6:- Set Inbound Rule with selected parameter

1. Priority
2. Services
3. Protocol
4. Action and click Save 

Azure portal level configuration done and you are ready with URL i.e.

Next step - Continue with below sequence of articles

1. Create the SSL certification and Mapping

2. SharePoint Site Host

3. IIS Binding & Registry entry

Happy coding..